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The subscription-based app solution,

tailored to your needs.

App as a service iPhone showing the student app Student I Innlandet

Module-based apps

App as a service gives you flexibility and control with modular apps that can be customized to your needs. Choose features such as notifications, loyalty programs, analytics and much more to create a truly engaging app experience.

Core functionality

Choose from core features such as home screen, notifications, personalization, registration and login, profile management and settings. Build a flexible and scalable platform that meets your unique needs and provides an optimal user experience.

Push notifications

Keep users engaged with relevant and segmented push notifications. Send targeted messages to reach out with updates and offers that drive engagement and keep users informed.

Food and drink

Make it easy for users to order and keep track of your food and beverage offerings directly in the app. With menu view and payment options, this is ideal for offering seamless services on campus, restaurant or other environments.

Loyalty card

Increase engagement with digital loyalty cards and offers. Use point systems and vouchers to provide users with rewards that build loyalty and motivate repeat usage.

Third party login

Make it easy and secure for users to register and log in with Feide, Vipps and other third-party solutions. Reduce friction at login and provide quick access to the app’s features.

Information pages

Collect important information such as maps, opening hours and events in dedicated information pages. Make sure users have easy access to everything they need, directly in the app.


Create seamless functionality with integrations to systems such as Dynamics365, Vipps and Munu POS. Customize the app to your digital ecosystem and leverage existing solutions for a holistic experience.

With more

The platform grows with you! Add modules that integrate websites, hybrids between native and website modules, or bespoke solutions such as offers and webshop modules. Keep your app relevant and adapted to your users’ needs.

We deliver apps on subscription!

With App as a Service, you get a customized solution at a much lower investment cost than with in-house development. After start-up, you pay a competitive monthly price that includes SLA, updates and support. Do you have specific needs? We offer bespoke development that can be shared with other customers, as well as in-app monetization.

iPhone showing cards and coupons module
Image of the student app Student Southeast

Student apps

The student app makes student life easier by bringing everything together in one place. As a key channel for communication and information, the app provides users with easy access to relevant services and resources, with support for integrations such as Feide, Vipps, and Munu for a holistic user experience.

Managed with

App as a service logo

When you choose App as a service, you get Appmin as an integrated part of the solution. Manage the app easily and intuitively and make sure your users always have up-to-date and relevant content available. Take control of the digitization of your services with a complete solution that includes segmented notifications, customer masters, and integration with loyalty programs.

Rada Labs iPhone and MacBook showing App as a service and Appmin

Our App as a service customers

SSN Studentsamskipnaden Sørøst-Norge logo
SINN Studentsamskipnaden i Innlandet logo
Destination, tourism and company app

Coming soon

Destination app & Business app

We are expanding the App as a Service concept with new, customized solutions for destinations and businesses, and are looking for pilot customers to join the development. Both apps gather everything you need in one place: The Destination App covers the entire customer journey from A to Z, while the Business App provides medium and large companies with a complete solution, from canteen offers to meeting room bookings. We’re constantly adding more app as a service solutions – join us as a pilot and test out the tools of the future.


Explore the possibilities with App as a Service!
Let us help you realize a customized, cost-effective app solution that improves communication and engagement. Book a meeting today to get started!